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DARK STAMPING POLISH – these are stamping polishes that transfer easily onto the plate when applied correctly. They offer a rich palette of colors and vibrant pigmentation. The polishes are not too thick and are suitable for use with all types of stamps.
Instructions for use:
- Perform a manicure, apply a base/gel or color, and dry it under the lamp.
- If there's a sticky layer left, remove it.
- Apply the polish to the stamping plate, use a scraper to remove excess polish, and transfer the design to the stamper.
- Transfer the design from the stamper to the nail with a rolling or even motion.
- Seal the design with a top coat. If the top coat is running off the design, first apply a thin layer of clear base, and then apply the top coat.
Reasons why the design may not transfer properly onto the stamper:
- The polish should not be too thick. Make sure to load enough polish onto the brush for an even coverage of the design.
- Apply the polish to the plate quickly, with 1-2 motions. The longer you apply it, the more likely the polish will begin to dry and transfer poorly.
- Hold the scraper at a 45-degree angle and do not press too hard to avoid "squeezing" the polish out of the design.
- Work quickly with the scraper (2-4 strokes are enough), and avoid sweeping it across the whole plate.
- Once you’ve scraped off the excess polish, quickly put down the scraper and pick up the stamper (remember, time is crucial here).
- Transfer the design onto the stamper with a smooth rolling motion. Do not press the stamper too hard onto the plate, as more polish will stay in the plate.